Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Do not see this movie!! This was the worst movie I've seen all year (including all my netflix!). I wanted to see it because it is popular, my finacee was hesitant. It's mean humor. I'm good with that, but it's the same jokes that we see EVERYWHERE!! The exception being the anti-Jewish humor. Just because he's Jewish doesn't give him the right to bash Jews for two hours. I don't mind art making me uncomfortable, but this did so for no reason, I took nothing from it. I also don't buy the premise that the people in the movie didn't know they were being filmed. Too many camera angles and too good of lighting to pull that off. Nuts!


Allen said...

So you didn't enjoy Borat, eh? I've got it in my Netlfix que. I'll get around to it when they get around to putting it on DVD. It'll be interesting to see it in light of some of your comments.

Allen said...

So you didn't enjoy Borat, eh? I've got it in my Netlfix que. I'll get around to it when they get around to putting it on DVD. It'll be interesting to see it in light of some of your comments.

rigtenzin said...

So you didn't enjoy Borat, eh? I've got it in my Netlfix que. I'll get around to it when they get around to putting it on DVD. It'll be interesting to see it in light of some of your comments.